exclusive *
Geometry Polygonal
Detail level Photorealistic
Materials Yes
Textures Yes
UVW Mapped Yes
Adjustable No
Extension Size Supported version Supported renderers Format description?Compatibility
.max 156.46 MB
  • VRay
  • Corona
  • Maxwell
3ds Max 2011 or above file format ready to use with Chaos Group Vray, Mental ray and Scanline render systems.
Extension Size Supported version Supported renderers Format description?Compatibility
.c4d 37.40 MB
  • Adv. / Physical
  • V-Ray 3.4
Extension Size Supported version Supported renderers Format description?Compatibility
.skp 171.06 MB

Google Sketch-up file format with basic materials and textures.

Extension Size Supported version Supported renderers Format description?Compatibility
.gsm 11.63 MB
  • Internal
  • CineRender
Extension Size Supported version Supported renderers Format description?Compatibility
.fbx and .obj 60.90 MB
OBJ an FBX files with diffuse colors and textures.
Extension Size Supported version Supported renderers Format description?Compatibility
.3dm 19.12 MB

One purchase gives access to all file formats available. By default only .max file format is selected for download.

During the checkout process and before downloading a model you will see a list of available file formats to make your selection.

You can download at no cost all additional file formats needed at any time from "Downloads" page in your Account.

Product description

Brand:  Poliform, Italy www.poliform.it Designer:  Emmanuel Gallina Design Connected ID: 10038